Saturday, December 02, 2006

i put my eggs in two baskets....

Spent time in the studio organizing and putting together boxes and packages to send out to their new owners. Spent a long time in lines at the post office and the bank -- I forgot it was Saturday...the mid-week trip to Cambria confused me a bit I guess. But, my week is jam-packed with work and work & church parties in the evenings, so today was errand day. Now, I'm a reward type of gal - sometimes my reward is just taking the ipod to the purple lounge chair on the deck, other times its a super hot flat latte at Peet's. Today Peet's was the reward for not screaming while standing in long lines. So, I following the last errand I headed to my local Peet's -- only to see a large sign on the glass door telling me that they were unable to make espresso drinks today! *what*? so, home I went to make my own latte (which is really better anyway, because I really only love the Major Dickinson espresso at Peet's the other blends are a little too bitter or watery for me). So, freshly crafted latte in my new favorite mug, I set out to capture all the wonderful treasures I picked up on "retreat"....
Now in the high energy phase of making Christmas ornaments for the big sale next Sunday.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

umm...excuse me...but are those NESTS I see?!?!

You do remember who likes birds, don't you? DON'T YOU?!?!