so much for my super powered immune system...
i'm a bit under the weather today.
slept in.
drinking lots of good earth tea caffeine free (after a latte, because, well...being sick with a caffeine withdrawl headache is *no* good).
doing a bit of mindless blog surfing.
ear-flap hat pattern my mom requested, her church is working on knitting projects for Bethlehem Inn (homeless shelter). I've knit *bunches* of these, they fit adults too (depending on your gauge and bulky-ness of fibre).
this and this for cordelia.
i'm even more fascinated with Flickr. i've got to try to work in this.
wish we had a big claw foot bathtub with a fireplace and a view of the mountains (or water). since we don't I'm bundled up in my grandmother's quilt daydreaming of these memories
Hey, Celeste! I have heard about you on Cordelia's blog. The image of a clawfoot tub with a view of nature inspired me to leave a comment. That sounds lovely! Also, I thought I would go without a latte today, but you have convinced me otherwise.
Nicole of Stash and Burn
Ooh, does that mean you're going to make me some of those nutella thingies?!?! cause you know how I love the choco-hazel situation.
I'm just chillin today as well, didn't sleep well last night and have just the tiniest sore throat (yikes), so I'm downloading music, surfing blogs and knitting...what could be better?
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