So, I clicked on a link from a friend of mine on FB (thanks Dianne) her most recent blog post and found she was taking this 30 days of art making challenge. And I thought, of course!, that is *just* what I need. So, I followed the link she posted (you can too Traci Bunkers) Here are her guidelines:
•I’ll make art every day for 30 days and post what I have done.
•I don’t have to finish what ever I’m working on that day, I just have to work on something.
•I have to work for 30 minutes, but can work longer if time permits.
•It doesn’t matter what I do for the art making, as long as I work on art.
•I won’t feel guilty for taking the time to work on art and I won’t have to justify why I’m doing it.
•I don’t have to go into detail in my post about how I did anything or what tools, materials I used (unless I want to).
Make your own guidelines that will work for you, so that you will succeed. This is supposed to be fun & inspiring, so it’s important to set guidelines that are realistic. If they aren’t, you might be setting yourself up for failure.
I have a show coming up in October (more details here and on FB soon), so I have to make more. This is a great time to do it. Plus, I have new class samples to make and am just itching to make, make, make....
Join me.